
Installing the Apps on your Hosting

Here is how to download and install your installation file to your own hosting.

Logging In and Using the Admin Dashboard

Here is how to use the Admin Dashboard.

Ai Image Yeti

Here is a demo on how to use AI Image Yeti

Ai Salescopy Yeti

Here is a demo on how to use Ai Salescopy yeti

Ai Ebook Yeti

Here is a demo on how to use AI Ebook Yeti

Ai Content Yeti Part 1

Here is a demo on how to use Ai  Content yeti Part 1 – setting up the WordPress Plugin

Ai Content Yeti Pt 2

Here is a demo on how to use AI Content Yeti Part 2

Ai Instafeed Yeti

Here is a demo on how to use Ai  Instafeed Yeti

Ai Affiliate Yeti

Here is a demo on how to use AI Affiliate Yeti

Ai Inbox Yeti

Here is a demo on how to use Ai Inbox Yeti

Ai SEO Yeti

Here is a demo on how to use AI SEO Yeti

Ai Social Yeti

Here is a demo on how to use Ai Social Yeti 

Ai Videoscript Yeti -coming soon

Here is a demo on how to use AI VideoScript 

Important - The Addons

Some Important information about the addons

Setting Up Credit Packs On Warrior+plus

This video shows you how to set up and use the credits bundles. This allows you to offer credits for your users to purchase.

Credit Packs Part 2

This is an example of how we intend to charge for or credit bundle packs and shows approx costs for ai credits if you use GPT 3.5 Turbo as an example.If ypu use other AI models prices may be differnt ( note prices may have changed since this video was recorded )

Setting Up Your Product For Sale Part 2 JVZoo

Here is a demo on how to set up JVzoo to sell your products

Setting Up Your Product For Sale Part 1 Warrior+plus

Here is a demo on how to set up Warrior+plus  to sell your products

How to use the built in Autoresponder Part 1

Here is a demo on how to setup  the built in autoresponder features Part 1

How to use the built in Autoresponder Part 2

Here is a demo on how to setup  the built in autoresponder features Part 2

How to Use the Monitization Options

coming soon

Here is a demo on how to use the monitization options

How to use the built in Autoresponder Part 1

Here is a demo on how to setup  the built in autoresponder features Part 1

Salespage Options

coming soon

Here is a demo on how to use the salespage options


Feature Requests


coming soon

QuizSAAS Lite - A free Personal Use Quiz Creation App-

“Anytime is quiz time”

Ai Pinpal Yeti Tutorial

Here is a tutorial video showing how to use AI PinPal Yeti

Ai AutoPost yeti Tutorial

Here is a tutorial video showing how to set up Meduim ,Wordpress and Tumblr for admin users -Getting ready for users

Ai Autopost Yeti Tutorial

Here is a tutorial video showing how to use Ai Autopost Yeti – User setting up Tumblr Medium and Wordress in settings

Ai AutoPost yeti Demo Tutorial

Here is a tutorial video showing how to use Ai Autopost Yeti